Supplication related to azan
- When you heard the azan your are to repeat the call as pronounced except the phrase "Hayya 'ala al-solah" and "hayya 'ala al-falah", where both of these should be responded with "La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah". [Apabila terdengar azan, maka hendaklah baca atau turuti membaca tiap-tiap yang dibaca oleh muezzin, kecuali "Hayya 'ala al-solah" dan "hayya 'ala la-falah". Keduanya itu dismabut dengan membaca "La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah"]
- After the azan is completed, recite this supplication
Surah Ali Imran:102-110
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O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims (In submission to Him) |
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And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to (all that is) good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and these will be the successful |
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And do not be like the ones who became divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment. |
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But as for these whose faces will turn white, [they will be] within the mercy of Allah. They will abide therein eternally. |
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These are the verses of Allah. We recite them to you, [O Muhammad], in truth; and Allah wants no injustice to the worlds. |
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To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And to Allah will [all] matters be returned. |
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You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. |
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Sudais
Gombak Selangor
Nikon D50 (2005)
Body & Design
The D50 looks so similar to the D70 that the uninitiated could be forgiven for mistaking them for each other. The main visible differences (apart from size) are the lack of a front command dial and DOF preview button on the front of the camera, a subtle re-arrangement and loss of a couple of buttons on the rear of the camera. The other noticeable tell-tale is the new DK-20 viewfinder eyecup which is noticeably larger (and better) than the DK-16 of the D70. The overall feel of the camera hasn't changed much from the D70, it still feels solidly put together with tight panel gaps, no creaks and a slightly more professional feel than Canon's EOS 350D.
Side by side
Below you can see the D50 beside Canon's EOS 350D (Digital Rebel XT) and Pentax's *ist DS. Weight wise the D50 is heavier than both cameras but lighter than the Olympus E-300, size wise it's larger than both of these cameras but smaller than the D70. Below the table you can see a direct comparison of the D50 and the D70s (same size as the D70).
Camera | Dimensions (W x H x D) | Body weight (inc. battery & card) |
Pentax *ist DS | 125 x 93 x 66 mm (4.9 x 3.6 x 2.6 in) | 605 g (1.3 lb) |
Canon EOS 350D | 127 x 94 x 64 mm (5.0 x 3.7 x 2.5 in) | 540 g (1.2 lb) |
Nikon D50 | 133 x 102 x 76 mm (5.2 x 4.0 x 3.0 in) | 620 g (1.4 lb) |
Olympus E-300 | 147 x 85 x 64 mm (5.8 x 3.4 x 2.5 in) | 624 g (1.4 lb) |
Pentax *ist D | 129 x 95 x 60 mm (5.0 x 3.7 x 2.3 in) | 650 g (1.4 lb) |
Nikon D70 / D70s | 140 x 111 x 78 mm (5.5 x 4.4 x 3.1 in) | 679 g (1.5 lb) |
Canon EOS 20D | 144 x 106 x 72 mm (5.6 x 4.2 x 2.8 in) | 770 g (1.7 lb) |
In your hand
The rubber material used on the hand grip of the D50 feels exactly the same as the D70, along with the shaped thumb grip on the rear it provides a good hold of the camera. In your hand it immediately feels more comfortable and better proportioned than the Canon EOS 350D (who's grip is just a little too thin for my hand). Control layout is logical and easy to get used to.
Design changes compared to the D70
Place your mouse cursor over either image below to compare the design of the D50 to the D70. As you can see the D50 is more compact than the D70 in almost all dimensions, it also (to me) looks a little cleaner and better balanced.
LCD Monitor
The D50 has a new larger 2.0" 130,000 pixel LCD monitor which has the same resolution as the D70's 1.8" monitor. In use the monitor seems bright and detailed. Unlike the D70 the D50 does not have a clip-on protective cover and there does not appear to be any clip points for one. |
Status Panel
The D50's status panel is on top of the camera on the right side, it appears to be identical to that used on the D70 but lacks a backlight (slightly disappointing as some settings can only be made on this panel). The panel provides information about both the photographic (exposure, focus, drive etc.) and digital (image size, white balance etc.) side of the camera. |
A detailed breakdown of displayed information can be found on the diagrams below.
Year 2008
Izzat, Afham, Ramadhan & Hafizuddin
This is my last project before leaving Sekolah Dato Dol Said.
Muhammad Hafizuddin Md Kailani
Create your badge
Supplication when woke up from sleep
All praises is for Allah who restore life to us after having taken it and to Him is the resurrection.
Supplication Before Sleeping
When retiring to his bed every night, the prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam would hold his palms together, blow in them and recite the last three chapters of the al-Qur'an and then wipe over his entire body, beginning with his head and then all parts of the body. He would do this three times.The prophet also said "when you are about to sleep, recite ayatul kursiyy till the end of the verse, for it will remain over you as a protection from Allah and no devil will draw near to you until morning.
O Allah,I submit my soul onto you and I entrust my affair unto you, and I return my face towards you and I totally rely on you. In hope and fear of you, verily there is neither refuge nor safe haven from you except with you. I believe in your book (al-Qur'an) which you have revealed and in you prophet whom you have sent.
Method of Doa
Hadith from Fadh-dollah ibn Ubaid (r.a.). He said :
On one occasion while the prophet SAW was sitting in the mosque, a man came in and prayed, then he straight away proceeded with doa to Allah on finishing the prayer. The prophet SAW reacted towards him by saying: You are rushing, oh man! What you should have done is to take your seat, then proceed with praising Allah for what He deserved or entitled to, follow with salutation upon me, then only invoke to Him. Another man came in after that, he did as how the prophet has said. The prophet SAW reacted towards him by saying: Pray! (Invoke). Your prayer will be answered, Insya Allah.

The Beginning of Doa
Allah, Lord All praises toof the whole universe. Praise that acknowledged all His favour and accepted with open-heart for the surplus. Praise that not within our ability to assess or render, that you yourself has praised upon you and indeed you deserve for it. Oh Allah! Bestow upon your messenger, your apostle, Muhammad, who is also our perfect and glorious leader the prayer (mercy) and salutation. The same we pray for his excellent family members and righteous companions.
The End of Doa
Glorious be to You Lord, Lord of Honour as how they have dignified Him or attributed to Him and peace be upon all the messengers. And all praises be to Allah, The Cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.
Maha Suci Allah, yang mempunyai kemuliaan seperti yang sifatkan padaNya, dan kesejahteraan ke atas semua rasul-rasul. Segala puji bagi Allah seru sekalian alam.
The Proper Time to Doa

The Beginning of Doa
Allah, Lord All praises toof the whole universe. Praise that acknowledged all His favour and accepted with open-heart for the surplus. Praise that not within our ability to assess or render, that you yourself has praised upon you and indeed you deserve for it. Oh Allah! Bestow upon your messenger, your apostle, Muhammad, who is also our perfect and glorious leader the prayer (mercy) and salutation. The same we pray for his excellent family members and righteous companions.
The End of Doa
Glorious be to You Lord, Lord of Honour as how they have dignified Him or attributed to Him and peace be upon all the messengers. And all praises be to Allah, The Cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.
Maha Suci Allah, yang mempunyai kemuliaan seperti yang sifatkan padaNya, dan kesejahteraan ke atas semua rasul-rasul. Segala puji bagi Allah seru sekalian alam.
The Proper Time to Doa
- After Subh and Asar.
- Every Monday and Thursday; where our deeds are brought up to the heaven before dawn.
- Every Friday; between Asr and maghrib, especially before Maghrib.

It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:
"Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated."
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
The Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, starts the hadith with the principle ("Actions are judged by intentions") and then gives three examples. This is the methodology of the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam. The examples help illustrate the principle so that it is easier for people to understand and they can apply the principle to other similar situations.
The three examples consist of one of good intention (migration for the sake of Allah and His Messenger) and two of bad intentions (migration for the sake of worldly gains or for marriage).
This hadith emphasises ikhlas (sincerity - to be truthful and honest to Allah alone, performing an act solely for Allah's sake whereby no other witness except Allah is sought). Ikhlas is one of the conditions of accepting good deeds. The other condition is that the actions must be done in accordance with the Shariah as it will be explained in the fifth hadith.
This can be seen in the shahadah :
- "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah" is the ikhlas - ensuring that we do things for the sake of Allah and Allah alone.
- "I bear witness that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah" - the Sunnah is the manifestation of the Quran - the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, is our example, our best model to follow. Following his Sunnah in our ibadah, Akhlaq (ethics), and Muamalat (dealings) ensures that we are acting in accordance with the Shariah.
Thus, the shahadah shows us the conditions for accepting a deed or performing an action: (a) it should be for the sake of Allah because He is the only One we worship, and (b) it should be in accordance with the Shariah.
To achieve ikhlas, we have to avoid shirk (associating others with Allah, which causes insincerity). Al-Imam al-Harawi said the root cause for insincerity (or shirk) is self-desire (al-hawa). Therefore no action should be done because of self-desire.
Imam al-Harawi states that there are 7 types of self-desires:-
- To make oneself appear good in the hearts of others
- To seek the praises of others
- To avoid being blamed by others
- To seek the glorification of others
- To seek the wealth/money of others
- To seek the services or love of others
- To seek the help of others for oneself
Ways to obtain ikhlas:
- Do righteous deeds - the more good deeds we do and hence get closer to Allah, the more sincere we will be.
- Before we do any deed we should firstly seek knowledge (ilm) - our actions/deeds should be guided by knowledge so that we do them in accordance to the Shariah.
- Do not give false impressions - do not make others believe that an action we did was good when it was not.
- Al-Imam Ahmad said: Before you do anything, check your intention (niyyah) - ask yourself before performing an action: "Is it for the sake of Allah?"
Ibnu al-Qayyim says: Any action we do is subject to three defects:
- Being conscious that others are observing our actions
- Seeking a return (benefit/reward) for the action
- Being satisfied with the action
- If we go to the masjid for the salah and we are early, arriving before the Imam and finding a place in the first saff, we should not be proud of ourselves and think of ourselves being better than others. We should praise Allah for enabling us to go to the masjid and for being able to perform the salah without any difficulties.
- After every salah, we should tell ourselves that we could have performed it better and try to improve in our next salah.
What happens if we were to change our niyyah while performing an action? Ibn Rajab says according to the ulama' if the niyyah at the end of the action matches the beginning (i.e. doing the action for the sake of Allah), then any changes in the middle of the action will be forgiven or does not matter, insha Allah. However, if the niyyah at the end does not match the beginning, i.e. we do the action for other than the sake of Allah, then we must repent (taubah).
There are four things that contradict ikhlas:
- Ma'siat - committing sins - this will weaken our ikhlas
- Shirk - associating others with Allah
- Riya' - performing an ibadah with the intention of showing off to others
- Nifaq - hypocrisy
Even though we must always make sure that our actions do not deviate from ikhlas, there are actions, which are automatically considered that of good intentions. For example, seeking knowledge in Islam, helping the community, doing da'wah, etc.
Some rulings (ahkam) which scholars derived from this hadith:
- When people 'swear by Allah' by saying "Wallahi" every now and then, their intention is not that they actually swear by Allah. They say it simply out of habit - it readily rolls off their tongue. Hence, it is harmless. However a Muslim should do his/her best to minimize it.
- When someone is asked to give an oath, what is judged is his intention when he gives the oath.
- There can be a combination of intentions between performing an ibadah and teaching others - we perform an ibadah for the sake of Allah, but we also do it with the intention of teaching others. e.g. when the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, performed the Hajj, he did it for the sake of Allah as well as for teaching the Sahabah (his companions, may Allah be pleased with them all).
- A man may go through the process of divorcing his wife, verbally or in court, but it is his intention which counts.
- What could be seen as ghibah (backbiting - talking bad, but true, things about a person behind his back) could simply be a joke or a dua. If someone talks bad about someone else, it is his intentions, which determines whether it is ghibah or not.
Our actions are undermined by our intentions - whether they are good intentions or bad intentions. Therefore we should always check our intentions before we do or say anything. We must make sure that the action is for the sake of Allah so that it is accepted by Allah and that we will be rewarded for it, insha Allah.
© 2002
Guidelines for interactions between men and women who are not "mahram."
Katakanlah kepada orang laki-laki yang beriman: "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya; yang demikian itu adalah lebih suci bagi mereka, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat".
[Terjemahan Surat An-Nuur, ayat 30]
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa) nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain tudung ke dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali kepada suami mereka, atau ayah mereka, atau ayah suami mereka, atau putera-putera mereka, atau saudara-saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putera-putera saudara perempuan mereka, atau wanita-wanita Islam atau budak-budak yang mereka miliki, atau pelayan-pelayan lelaki yang tidak mempunyai keinginan(terhadap wanita) atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat wanita. Dan janganlah mereka memukulkan kakinya agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan. Dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, hai orang-orang yang beriman supaya kamu beruntung.
[Terjemahan Surat An-Nuur, ayat 31]
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