Hadith from Fadh-dollah ibn Ubaid (r.a.). He said :
On one occasion while the prophet SAW was sitting in the mosque, a man came in and prayed, then he straight away proceeded with doa to Allah on finishing the prayer. The prophet SAW reacted towards him by saying: You are rushing, oh man! What you should have done is to take your seat, then proceed with praising Allah for what He deserved or entitled to, follow with salutation upon me, then only invoke to Him. Another man came in after that, he did as how the prophet has said. The prophet SAW reacted towards him by saying: Pray! (Invoke). Your prayer will be answered, Insya Allah.

The Beginning of Doa
Allah, Lord All praises toof the whole universe. Praise that acknowledged all His favour and accepted with open-heart for the surplus. Praise that not within our ability to assess or render, that you yourself has praised upon you and indeed you deserve for it. Oh Allah! Bestow upon your messenger, your apostle, Muhammad, who is also our perfect and glorious leader the prayer (mercy) and salutation. The same we pray for his excellent family members and righteous companions.
The End of Doa
Glorious be to You Lord, Lord of Honour as how they have dignified Him or attributed to Him and peace be upon all the messengers. And all praises be to Allah, The Cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.
Maha Suci Allah, yang mempunyai kemuliaan seperti yang sifatkan padaNya, dan kesejahteraan ke atas semua rasul-rasul. Segala puji bagi Allah seru sekalian alam.
The Proper Time to Doa

The Beginning of Doa
Allah, Lord All praises toof the whole universe. Praise that acknowledged all His favour and accepted with open-heart for the surplus. Praise that not within our ability to assess or render, that you yourself has praised upon you and indeed you deserve for it. Oh Allah! Bestow upon your messenger, your apostle, Muhammad, who is also our perfect and glorious leader the prayer (mercy) and salutation. The same we pray for his excellent family members and righteous companions.
The End of Doa
Glorious be to You Lord, Lord of Honour as how they have dignified Him or attributed to Him and peace be upon all the messengers. And all praises be to Allah, The Cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.
Maha Suci Allah, yang mempunyai kemuliaan seperti yang sifatkan padaNya, dan kesejahteraan ke atas semua rasul-rasul. Segala puji bagi Allah seru sekalian alam.
The Proper Time to Doa
- After Subh and Asar.
- Every Monday and Thursday; where our deeds are brought up to the heaven before dawn.
- Every Friday; between Asr and maghrib, especially before Maghrib.
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